Writers' Platform-Building Crusade

Rach Writes @ http://rachaelharrie.blogspot.com/ is hosting her second Writer's Platform Crusade.  It is a great opportunity to get connected with other writers.  It will run from February 1st to  April 30th.  If your interested and want more information, follow the link above.

First Challenge
The time has come for the First Crusader Challenge, woot!!! It’s a bit of a getting-to-know-you exercise with a little bit of a twist (you didn’t think it would be easy did you? *grins*).

Here it is:  The Challenge

In 300 words or less, tell us:

· one secret

· one lie

· one interesting quirk

· one annoying habit

· one of your best character traits, and

· one of your favourite things in the whole world.

The post can be in any format, including poetry (for those poets among us), but must include the random words, “bloviate,” “fuliguline,” “rabbit,” and “blade” (tee hee).

Finish your post with something along the lines of, “I may have revealed something about me that isn’t strictly true, can you guess what it is?” (this last bit isn’t included in the word count). And don’t forget to tell us the answer in your next post!

Bowling Crusade

Second Crusader Challenge

The Challenge:

Write a flash fiction story (in any format) in 100 words or less, excluding the title. Begin the story with the words, “The goldfish bowl teetered” These four words will be included in the word count.
If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional, and not part of the judging criteria), see if you can write the story in your own genre (eg if you’re a horror writer, write a horror story; a romance writer, a romance story, etc).

Goldfish Crusade